Bovine 8- Oxo- 2'- deoxyguanosine, , 8-oxo- Dg ELISA Kit - 96tests
Cet anticorps sera garantie pour WB en France par Gentaur Laboratoire.
Internal Reference:
Website URL:
Instructions for Use :
1- Sample Preparation : Dilute serum, plasma, or other sample types as required.
2- Standard Preparation : Prepare a standard curve using the provided standards.
3- Assay Procedure : Add standards and samples to the wells.
4- Incubation : Incubate with the detection antibody as per the protocol.
5- Washing : Wash the wells thoroughly to remove unbound substances.
6- Substrate Addition : Add the substrate solution and incubate until color develops.
7- Reaction Stop : Add stop solution and measure absorbance at the specified wavelength.
8- Data Analysis : Calculate concentrations using the standard curve.
Note : The measurement of 8-oxo-dG as a biomarker for oxidative DNA damage is supported by research (PubMed ID:12376510). This kit provides a reliable method for accurate quantification in bovine samples.